Welcome to St Benedict’s


Click a picture to see it in a tab

  • This week’s News Sheet

    Click/tap on the picture to download/view the news sheet for the week commencing Sunday 21st.

  • Next week’s news sheet

    Click/tap on the picture to download/view the news sheet for the week commencing Sunday 28th.

  • Revd Tim Richards, RIP

    St Ben’s and Glastonbury United Reformed Church (URC) have been sharing worship together for many years. We now share with them in the sad loss of Revd Tim Richards, Minister of the Mid-Somerset Group of URCs, who died of cancer on 15th July.

    All are welcome to attend the service of commendation and committal at Mendip Crematorium on Friday 2nd August at 10.30am, followed by a service of thanksgiving at Street URC at 1pm, with tea to follow. No dress code – come as you are.

    The crematorium service will be webcast, details of which will be posted here on the day.

  • Weekly Prayer List

    Click/tap the picture to see who especially needs your prayers this week.

  • Message from our Vicar

    Our Vicar David’s last service with us will be on Sunday 18th August at 10am in St John’s to which all are welcome.

    His licensing service as Team Vicar will be on Saturday 7th September in All Saints Church, Leighton Buzzard.

    Click/tap his picture to read his message to us.

  • Meeting of Parishioners

    A meeting of parishioners to elect a churchwarden will be held in St Ben’s at 10:45am on Friday 9th August. You can read the notice on our Official Notice Board.

Glastonbury Tots Toddler Group

This group is a vibrant meeting place for parents and their little ones every Monday morning in St Ben’s. Click/tap the picture to learn more.


For downloads of daily readings and other news items that could affect you, take a look at St John’s News page by clicking here.

Hiring our building and booking events

If you want to hire our building or book a wedding, baptism or other service, please go to our Booking and Contact page.

If you hire St Ben’s regularly you may not be aware that we’ve introduced modest increases to some of our charges. We now also levy a charge if you require heating above 15C during colder months. Our new rates are shown in our online booking form at this link. If you’ve previously negotiated a special rate, please talk to Liz – contact details at this link.

Official Noticeboard

Click/tap the picture to go to our page for official notices and documents including our latest Annual Report and Financial Statements. Note that details of services and other activities are not posted there.

Inclusive Church

St Ben’s is part of the Inclusive Church network. Click on the logo to read more on our Who We Are page.

As part of our commitment to being inclusive, we offer Prayers of Love and Faith for same-sex couples. Please click/tap this link for more details.

Click the icon to check us out on Facebook

Our Google events calendar can be viewed here


Safeguarding refers to the range of plans and activities that are put in place to protect children and adults who may be vulnerable to abuse and neglect from being harmed. Safeguarding in the church community – making our church safe for young people and vulnerable adults – is everyone’s responsibility.

Our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be viewed here.

If you wish to report concerns or possible abuse, please contact one of the following: