All are warmly welcome at all of our services and everyone is encouraged to stay behind after our services for tea or coffee and a chat.

Sunday Services
Our monthly cycle of weekly Sunday services at 11am generally follows this pattern, but please check our notice board or the front page of this website for confirmation because there can be exceptions:
- 1st Sunday of the month: Café Church
- 2nd Sunday of the month: Shared worship with URC – see below.
- 3rd Sunday of the month: Service of Healing and Wholeness
- 4th Sunday of the month: Celtic Communion
Our shared worship with Glastonbury United Reformed Church (URC) on 2nd Sundays alternates between St Benedict’s at 11am and the URC at 10.30am. See our notice board or the front page of this website for details.
When there is a 5th Sunday in the month we have a shared Benefice Communion with St John’s and St Mary’s at 10am, the location of which is rotated around the three churches. See our notice board or the front page of this website for details.
Every Sunday (except the 5th) there are services at St John’s which are normally live-streamed – see St John’s website for details. There is also a service of Holy Communion at St Mary’s Meare on the 1st Sunday of each month at 11am.
Weekday Services
Morning Prayer is held in St Ben’s at 9am on Wednesdays.
There is a short service of Holy Communion using Common Worship at 10am on Fridays.
Common Worship Morning Prayer is also held in St John’s on Tuesdays, and there is a Celtic Morning Office in St Margaret’s Chapel on Fridays, both at 9am. There is also Holy Communion in St John’s at 10.30am on Tuesdays.
For other events at St Ben’s see our Google Events Calendar.
For events in our Benefice see the Benefice Google Events Calendar.
Last updated on April 30th, 2024 at 09:59 pm