The Prayers of Love and Faith are offered as resources in praying with and for a same-sex couple who love one another and who wish to give thanks for and mark that love in faith before God. To celebrate in God’s presence the commitment two people have made to each other is an occasion for rejoicing. The texts are offered to express thanksgiving and hope, with prayer that those who are dedicating their life together to God may grow in faith, love, and service as God’s blessing rests upon them.
Here at St Ben’s we are delighted to offer these prayers for any couples who wish to celebrate their love for one another in church. We are sorry that we are not currently permitted to offer services of same-sex marriage. We hope and work for a time when equal access to marriage will be given to all people, regardless of the sex or gender of their partners.
If you and your partner wish to mark your love in church using these prayers, then we would be delighted to hear from you. Please do get in touch via our Benefice Administrator, Sharon Wilson:
01458 830060Email:
Benefice Office, 3 Church Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 9JQ.
Last updated on March 26th, 2024 at 06:12 pm